Sunday 30 December 2007

Depressing state of affairs.

I've just had a pretty horrible conversation with a close friend of mine. She just asked me if I was using drugs! According to her "Your weight loss can't be natural, are you using something"? It's strange, I'm feeling happier than I have in a long time, I'm finally doing something about my weight, work is going well, I'm having fun snowboarding, I'm loving being in Whistler (even with the Dollar taking a kicking) and yet there's always someone who's able to find a way to bring you down.

Since I started working out with the turbulence training plan and eating better I've lost a lot of weight. I admit it's been a pretty fast weight loss but I figure that's more down to the fact my body was happy to drop all that fat than anything else. Don't get me wrong, the plan is hard work and I know I've earned being where I am now but I'm enjoying doing it. Exercise is fun! It's not even like the diet was rocket science! My food diary made me see just how many empty calories I was taking in a day and I knew I could afford to lose a lot of them but still eat what I wanted to. I'll give you an example from my diary:

Tuesday 11/20/07
Coffee 2 sugars, cheerios, toast and spread
Clif protein bar
packet of chips, coke
bbq pork, texas toast, garlic fries, sprite
coffee 2 sugars, 2 cookies
banana, apple
lasagne, garlic bread, ceasar salad, 2 beers

That one days food gave me a calorie total of nearly 4000 calories - and this was a typical days eating for me!

Now my food diary is like this (and keep in mind this is when I'm away from home)
Thursday 12/27/07
Coffee, cheerios, apple.
Clif protein bar
bottle water
coke, packet of chips,
vegetable rice bowl, vegetable spring roll, water
starbucks skinny latte
bottle water, banana
chicken breast, roast potato, side of vegetables, 1 beer

which was a calorie intake of 2180

The strange thing is, I'm not feeling hungry or like I'm missing out on food. As you can see - I'm not! It was just about being aware of what I was eating and making sure the (biggest in my case) excesses were removed. I've saved nearly 2000 calories a day! Without exercise that could be adding nearly 5 pounds a week to my body. Not good.

Coupling this with the increased amount of exercise I've been getting it's easy to see why I'm losing so much weight so quickly.

So, if you've got someone in your life who's doing well with a goal of theirs - encourage them, just make sure they are doing it right. Don't be tempted to ask if they are on drugs! (Unless, there are obvious signs of course... I'll be quiet now I think).

Until next time!

Current stats

Weight - 247.5 pounds
Chest - 46"
Waist - 35"

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