Saturday 24 November 2007

Time of year.

I'm depressed. I woke up this morning thinking it would be a good day. You know, lots to look forward to in the coming month! I turn 47 soon! Ummm... yeah... that's something to celebrate...

Anyway. It's no secret I've been kind of letting myself go a bit lately. I've not been out on my bike in a few days and my last real ride ended at the bar on the way back. Not exactly the healthiest thing to do.

So this morning when I got up and got dressed I pulled my favorite smart pants from the closet. The ones I save for special occasions and fun stuff. I pulled 'em up thinking about what shirt I was going to wear and discovered I could hardly do them up. Crap. This isn't good! They were always close fitting but this was beyond that. I had to breathe in to do the button up and if I did that there was no chance of breathing out. Hmmm. This isn't what I need just before my birthday!

Call it middle age spread, call it winter weight gain, call it me being a lazy bastard lately. I've got to do something about this before all I can wear is sweat pants.

My exercise plan kicks in tomorrow! Which means tonight it's burritos and beer.

Wish me luck!

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